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David Ludwig


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
PhD in Philosophy, 2012
Supervisors: Olaf Müller and Holm Tetens

Freie Universität Berlin
MAs in Philosophy, History of Science and Technology, & Cognitive Science, 2010

Stanford University
Visiting Student, 2006 - 2007 


Wageningen University
Associate Professor (tenured), 2021- 

Wageningen University
Assistant Professor (tenure-track), 2017-2021

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Postdoctoral Researcher, 2014-2017  

Columbia University
Postdoctoral Researcher, 2012-2014 

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Predoctoral Researcher 2010-2012 

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Student Assistant, 2008-2010
The Dancing Bees (Tania Munz) & Twentieth Century Histories of Knowledge About Human Variation (Veronika Lipphardt)


ERC Starting Grant
Local Ecologies of Knowledge: Towards a Philosophy of Ethnobiology, 2020-2025
VIDI Grant
Ethnoontologies. Relating Metaphysics and Practice of Knowledge Diversity, 2019-2024
VENI Grant
Well-Ordered Ontologies in the Human Sciences, 2014-2017